Thursday, June 30, 2005

Review: Turin Brakes - JackInABox

Turin Brakes JackInABox

The Pitchfork review of this album calls it "a definitively happy piece of work beginning to end." Uh, no. Songs about death, relationships falling apart, and loneliness don't become happy just because you can sing about such things with a smile on your face. That said, if you should find your world falling apart, these are the guys you want to hang out with when you hit bottom. Because there is no guarantee when you are down there that anyone is going to throw you a rope, so you'll just have to start climbing and hope you have the strength to make it back into the daylight. Sometimes your climb is driven by the sheer force of will, other times through cheesy motivational sentiment; what is important is that you keep going and don't stop to look down. "I may be bleeding, but I don't care / See where i'm leading, see I'm almost there / These days lost their meaning, but I don't care / But still we're all breathing, so cry if you dare" (Buildings Wrap Around Me). Some of the material doesn't work, but for the most part this is a consistently decent album. It doesn't reach the heights of the their previous two, but it doesn't have the lows either. Rating (using the poker hand scale): full house.

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