Friday, June 24, 2005

The Negotiator

How do I always seem to find myself in the middle of things? At work, for instance, I do an administrative job without actual admin status (or pay, but that's a whole other bitch session). Even my superintendent admits to the difficulty of the position, referring to it as the de-militarized zone. Demilitarized, my ass. I tend to get caught between the needs of the teachers and the demands of the principals, and in my district the two factions are often at war with each other. In the midst of this, I'm just trying to get the job done, dragging the district kicking and clawing into the present century.
Meanwhile...I'm on my condo association board, and the past few days have also found me stuck in the middle of a situation involving a leaky pipe, an irate (flooded) tenant, a useless general contractor, and a bunch of other tenants who would very much like the main cold water line turned back on so they can flush their toilets, please...
I think that if I ever get tired of what I do now I should look into a career as a negotiator.

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