Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I think my frontal lobe is trying to escape. It's like my brain is squirming. What is in there to startle it so? Have I not been feeding it what it likes? That may be the problem. Not enough outside stimuli. Too many competing emotions assaulting the neurons; pathways collapsing and detoured through unfamiliar or long dormant territory. Maybe I just need to take a long walk in the wilderness. No, too much solitude. Need to be around people. Nobody calls me back. Maybe go into the city and hit some used record stores, just to mingle and chuckle at the vast quantities of second-hand Weezer and (late) Smashing Pumpkins albums.
I'm just disgusted with the world right now. Tired of investing in ideas that go nowhere, tired of spending time on people who never listen, never learn. Worn out from rejection.
I wanted to take a sanity day today, but they are depending on me for the daily farce at work. Perhaps tomorrow. I'd like to drive up to the Botanic Gardens and take some pictures, but B has my camera. Another day, then.

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