Friday, July 21, 2006

virtue vs. vice

A Tribune article today talks about a study in which it was concluded that in the long term people are more likely to regret virtue over vice.

Kivetz [the researcher] argues that the over-emphasis on virtue and prudence in American culture contributes to the impulse toward over-indulgence.

"I'm not saying, 'OK, be decadent' … but balance is important," he said. "I think people should strive to have a little more balance, and balance also means enjoying life more."

There's that word again. Balance. Some might call it karma. Anyway, it's an interesting piece of research, and while the conclusions are presented in such a way as to suggest the findings are surprising, I think most people would come to the same conclusion if they really thought the question through. After all, nobody ever gets old and tells stories about all the virtuous things they did in their youth.

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