Perhaps too much so. There were so many references and tribute shots from the earlier movies that at times it was like watching a Cliffs Notes version of I and II. Still, the film succeeds in spite of such gestures, due in large part to the casting. Most of the criticism I have heard is dissatisfaction with the people in each role, but I disagree. Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor doesn't exactly light up the screen, but his dry approach suits the character. Meanwhile, James Marsden appears as Lois Lane's fiancee, and is given the opportunity to act rather than just run around with silly sunglasses or eye-beam focusing goggles like he did as Cyclops in the X-men movies. And Routh carries the weight of the title character probably better than anyone might expect.
The story itself drags a little sometimes, and is often interrupted for the sake of iconic imagery, but it is a watchable enough plot to stay interesting.
Rating: flush
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