Saturday, July 15, 2006

random 7-15

Stuff that spilled out of my mind this morning:

I read an article about a giant squirrel passing out treats at Chicago City Hall. What would I do with a giant squirrel costume for a day? Maybe climb a tree and intimidate the little ones? Or just take some weird pictures. There's a store in the city (Wrigleyville?) I think it's called Nuts on Clark, (?); I would totally walk in there and buy something. (Practical problem; where do squirrels keep their wallets? Or is that the setup to a joke I cannot remember?)

Do kids who imagine scary monsters in their bedroom name their monster? I don't recall having any monsters. So I wouldn't have had a chance to think up a name.

I made a carrot cake and it actually turned out okay, pretty good in fact. Who would have guessed? Here is the recipe I used, except I put in half a cup of walnuts rather than a whole cup of pecans, and didn't add any nuts to the frosting.

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