Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Various potentially inconsequential

It looks like this weekend will be a poker extravaganza, with matches already set up for Friday and Saturday. Of course, between buying booze for Tuesday Night Dinner, and the usual weekend poker game, and whatever I manage to consume during the week, the local liquor store should either be giving me frequent drinker discounts or tossing a note with the location of the local AA meetings in my bag.

Last night at dinner I heard about a kid whose middle name is Thor. What is the most unique name, middle or otherwise, that you have come across?

I know I promised some music reviews, and promptly reneged on that statement; I'm trying to finish up the July vortex compilation and then I'll get around to it.

1 comment:

R said...

I have a particular fondess for crazy Eastern European names: Henrikas, Feliksas, Jadvyga... Cillic and I had a similar discussion a few weeks ago when the boychild Lupescu was born. Most interesting middle name I came across today: Hunter.