Wednesday, July 27, 2005

imagined conversation #3

I asked you once if you were ever engaged.
And I said no.
But I never asked if anyone ever proposed to you.
Well, obviously, if anyone did, I said no.
You're not answering the question.
Nobody ever asked.
Why do you think that is?
What do you mean?
I mean, do you just project a sense that you don't want marriage, or are you afraid of commitment, or what?
Maybe I just don't want to settle.
Ah, yes. You still think perfect exists.
Why shouldn't I think that?
Can you prove it does?
Can you prove it doesn't?
I can make my case more easily than you can.
I suppose. But that doesn't mean I should give up on it.
What if perfect is what you create, not what you find.
You're chastising me now.
Am I?
You're telling me that I date around too much, and that I should just settle on someone and mold him into what I want.
Yes, but not exactly. I'm saying that you should look for quality over quantity.
But I have to look in a lot of places to find quality.
Fair enough. Find it yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What if, instead of looking for "perfect", or looking only for sheer quantity, you accepted quality from more than one person?

Quality doesn't have to mean "singular,", does it?

Or should Da Vinci have had only one masterpiece?