Saturday, July 09, 2005


Friday: Out to Comiskey for the Sox vs. the A's. No, I won't call it by its' bought and paid for name. Mostly work people etcetera in attendance. We got an odd batch of tickets, spread out over several rows, but that sort of worked for chatting with people. The game itself was not all that exciting; Sox lost 4-2. Some random thoughts: I had never taken the orange line before. How odd. Ran into a bunch of kids from Savannah, Georgia at the Midway stop here to do some sort of social work project; that was kind of neat; they were all polite but obviously excited to be in the city. It was Rat Pack night at the ballpark, which was a nice coincidence; at the end they had a guy out at home plate sing a medley of Sinatra songs; he was decent. (I know, I am on a run-on sentence kick this morning; sorry.) After that was the fireworks show; we had excellent position for that (center-right field bleachers) but our location also afforded us a hail of ash and debris falling down upon us the whole time. Thankfully, nobody caught fire. Also observed: A guy yelling at his buddy: "Hey, get off your cell-phone; this isn't Wrigley!" Ironic in a park presently named for a cell-phone company.

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