Sunday, August 19, 2001

Who is my target audience? I've been asked that. Sometimes, specific people. Other times, whoever; I try to take what is happening in my life and apply it on a larger scale. Maybe I'm looking to validate my thoughts and experiences. Within the community of fellow bloggers, I don't see that as being too different from what most of us do. Maybe I should explain the purpose of each blog a little better. The CD5 blog, for instance; that's more than just what's playing in my CD player on any given day, it's also a way to put the names of bands that don't get much or any radio airplay out there. The Amp Comics blog is a service to my buddy Jim to keep people updated on what's going on with his comic book. And the Techblog is essentially my public service/workplace outlet, since it applies to what I do for a living. As for Vortex, though...the purpose changes often. It's a mood ring, after a fashion. Random some days, a continuous dialogue other days. It's a sliver of my brain that I carve out and leave on display. In that sense, it is a collection of true statements; reflecting, venting, rationalizing...trying to make some sense of the world. Sometimes, it's too much information, or in a form that few would understand. While that may make it less valuable to others, it doesn't to me. So I'll never make it on the list of the blog of the day, because stuff I throw out there is too obscure. So what. If I want to provide a public service, I'll do it through actions, not words in an on-line diary/rant.

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