Monday, August 06, 2001

One of the news shows was just running this story about memory, and how traumatic events can wipe out other memories. There's a common sense aspect to that; little wonder that stress shapes the mind around the event and tramples over things in the process.

Why remain friends with your exes? Isn't it easier just to forget them and move on? Maybe for some people it is. It isn't for me, though. Still, sometimes there isn't a choice. And I allow myself to forget, while working to hold on to a few things, like some sort of neural scrapbook. A girl I knew freshman year of college, and the smell of her hair. Ah, but don't get me started. I guess my point is that people try to forget, perhaps, because the stress associated with a break-up goes some way toward canceling out the neutral or even happy memories, and forgetting just seems best. I find that trying to forget the bad parts is more difficult than working to remember the good parts. Maybe that's just me.

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