Saturday, April 15, 2006


What if I had absolutely nothing to say and meant to click something else but I clicked here and now I have to write something or civilization will collapse but hey no pressure it's just words and I think what would be really perfect is international What's Up Mohammed Fest (WUMF) during which images of Mohammed are displayed everywhere; everyone gets a t-shirt, some posters, stencils for temporary graffiti; they put his image up on buses, in Times Square, they even make one of those stupid "The More You Know" public service spots with a quick lesson about how it is necessary to confront hypocrites who would call you sinner.
What we really need, though, is a Saturday morning cartoon with all of the major religious figures, sort of like the SuperFriends, in which they all deal with bad guys and awful situations in accordance with each religion's beliefs. But someone would probably protest that, too, saying that the Buddha is encouraging our kids to be obese. And you'd get all the "Jesus was black" crowd in a ruckus, too. And the Scientologists would complain they they weren't represented, but you could get around that by saying that their guy is always off in space combatting the evil on other planets.
Okay, enough with religion; the more I think about it the more nauseated I get.

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