Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Kitty update

Tori has a condition known as chronic renal failure. Basically, this is a gradual shutting down of the kidneys. There is no cure; all that can be done is to take steps to prolong the life of the cat. Aside from that, she has an infection. We'll go back to the vet tomorrow and get some medicine for the kidney infection; hopefully that stabilizes her to the point where her kidney deterioration is not imminently terminal. After that...I don't know. Tori will let me know how she feels and we'll decide from there. I will not impose any sort of long-term suffering on her for my sake, that much I know.


Anonymous said...

Well Bry, this is life. Kidneys sometimes go bad...darn it.

Anonymous said...

Man I'm sorry Bryan. Let me know if you want me to ask my sister anything, as her life is working with cats @ a cat clinic. She gave us some useful advice with Syd. At the very least, she was helpful as a second opinion.