Thursday, January 26, 2006

Risk versus Reward

So I'm doing this dieting thing. And it has helped, being more aware of what and how much I am eating, and keeping track. The FitDay website has been particularly useful in that regard. So what are the downsides? Supposedly I am not eating enough. I guess the theory is that I shoudn't be eating fewer calories than my basal amount each day, which is 1975. I am averaging about 1350 a day over the past two weeks. The other problem is that I need more variation in activities, especially now that I strained my foot on the treadmill and it needs a few days to rest. I don't have a gym membership, because when I did I spent most of the timeon the treadmill anyway, and once I bought one I let the membership go. So should I go buy an exercise bike? Less impact on my feet, and one more thing to find space for here? Maybe. It's too cold (not to mention icy) to drag out the bike and go for a ride. I have some weights to lift and of course there are always sit-ups/crunches to be done. Meanwhile, I am contemplating buying a new scale, since mine is designed for the least amount of accuracy and a general tendency to make me crazy with daily weight swings of three or four pounds. Anyway, let's see how the next three weeks of competition goes; I think it'll all be worth it in the end.


R said...

If you've got the cash for it, a bike wouldn't be a bad idea; variation in workouts is key.
As for the scale thing... Er, a normal person's body kinda does that 3-4 pound swing thing per day. Not the scale. That's why you only should way yourself once a day -- if that often. :)

Anonymous said...

I say you should only weigh yourself once a week! Same time, same day, same amount of clothes - or not! Stop obsessing over the scale. Try weighing your head.

Bryan said...

If I could find a way to safely detach it...

R said...

"Try weighing your head" -- I love it!

Bryan said...

Down 8 pounds in 3 weeks. Not too drastic, right?