Saturday, January 28, 2006


Sometimes I am struck by the number of singularly brilliant people I know, or know of. People who have talent to spare, who are driven and go beyond being merely smart almost (sometimes) to the point of savant. It is...intimidating, in a way; I am pale in comparison. Sure, I do what I do pretty well, but then again, I have tried to escape my school district only to be ignored or to fail to move on, so maybe I'm not so great at what I do. But that's not my point. I don't know what my point is, really, perhaps I just wish I had more to offer this world. Maybe I am jealous. Not sure. Maybe I'm just a bit loopy from being underfed and imbibing White Russians. But when your circle of friends and acquaintances includes so many survivors, so much raw talent, so much passion and drive, so many people on the bleeding edge of what they do, such raw lyricism in words and life...maybe I'm just having one of those days where I am not sure how the hell I got invited into the midst of such a group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliance shows itself in many ways.