Sunday, November 20, 2005

Reviews: the legless hitchhiker

More reviews.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) - When one is adapting a beloved work of fiction, there are really a few central questions to be answered: Can the spirit of the work be captured? What is essential and what gets cut? Does the interpretation cheapen the source material? Will the fanboys rip you a new asshole when you don't get it just right? The answer to all of those questions, obviously, is 42. Seriously, all that I hoped for with this movie was to come away from it not thinking about Douglas Adams spinning in his grave. And it succeeded on that level, streamlining the story a bit and casting the characters fairly well. While it isn't on a scale of adaptation as Lord of the Rings, it doesn't disappoint. It does help immensely to be familiar with the book, though, so novice hitchhikers may want to grab their favorite towel and read the source material prior to seeing it. Rating: full house.

Saw (2004) - Thrillers are not my usual fare. I find them boring and predictable, generally latching on to some signature style and then playing it out over numerous sequels that devolve into farce. That said, I was very pleased with how this movie played out, the twists it took, the dilemmas the characters faced, and the prospect of Cary Elwes hacking his leg off. A good, fun movie for your next family get-together, with the holidays upon us it would also make a great stocking stuffer. Rating: straight.

Dodgeball (2004) - Another uncharacteristic choice for me (I'm pretty damn picky, I know). Pirate Steve! Dodge! Duck! Dip! Dive! Dodge! The main characters pull it off nicely, and their are some choice cameos sprinkled throughout. Pretty much exactly what you want from a brain-dead "let's all get together for some beers and a movie" kind of evening. See it, and remember to dress in leather for the occasion. Rating: straight flush.

1 comment:

R said...

Really, before I watched Dodgeball, I had the containers all prepped and ready to catch my eyeballs if they rolled right outta my head. Instead, I laughed. A lot. :) Thanks!