Tuesday, September 20, 2005

stray thoughts

Here comes the rain, a little late.
The foundation is going in next to the old house. All things change, all things change...
Talked to my grandfather who turned 77 yesterday. He seemed to be in good spirits. He has picked up on the "find yourself a girl and settle down" theme. If only it were as easy as that.
Going to the Beck show tonite. Haven't been to a concert in what feels like ages, an uncharacteristic dry spell.
Where is my passion?
Have been on a cleaning kick lately. The place got too cluttered. Went through the closet and disposed of a Gap jacket I have had for 15 years, grey, worn through in the cuffs, zipper broken; in college Gabe dubbed it the "grampy-gap", suggesting that it gave off the impression of a rumpled old man. The name stuck, everyone called it that. I violated a fashion rule, I think; the moment that an article of clothing is so associated with you that it gets a nickname, you should dispose of it.
If everyone in the world would just shut up and listen once in a while, we would all get a lot more accomplished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If everyone in the world would just shut up and listen once in a while, we would all get a lot more accomplished."
I don't know about that...I talk quite a bit and accomplish more than than most of the people I know combined:)