Thursday, September 29, 2005


A thought I haven't thought through. I'm not charismatic, exactly, but I have a goofy side, a mode that maybe comes across as immature or silly, moments when I just don't care what people think, or I do, but I choose not to process any negatives. So what is that about? Is it rooted in having to be the responsible one? Do I occasionally fend off being uptight and serious all the time by coming up with the most random larks? Is that why it has become harder over time to be passionate about anything? Without competition or a sense of gravity or someone needing me to do something, I get complacent. Is there a touch of the martyr in all of that, and assuming there is, I know I resent it a bit.

1 comment:

R said...

This would make an excellent drinks-with-discussion topic. Your random thoughts here seem disjointed, like you're leaping from one thing to another without making a complete connection. Slow down. How did you get from complacency to lack of passion? They sound similar but are worlds apart.