Saturday, September 03, 2005


Hindsight. They say it's a bitch. I say it's a Bush. To me, the best hindsight will be the ass of our fearless leader in January 2009, officially removed from his throne room in the (white) frathouse. It's a tragedy when you don't see it coming; it's negligent manslaughter when you do. Yes, people should have gotten out of New Orleans, but some just couldn't. So thanks for cutting the funding for flood management, dismantling FEMA, and depriving the country of the personnel to handle such an emergency, you arrogant asshat. The word "quagmire" seems even more appropriate now as we view the pictures of an historic marshland crumbling away. Was it folly for New Orleans to even exist? Maybe, but that is the triumph and potential tragedy of the human spirit; the Panama Canal was folly; reversing the Chicago river was as well, but they were big dreams that worked and in the end we celebrated our ability to conquer nature for our own benefit. So it seems hypocritical to criticize the existence of the place, though I suspect that if more of its' inhabitants were upper class and white there would be far less of such talk.
Go back to the ranch, Georgie-boy. Get on your bike, and the next time you crash it, try to impale yourself on something. It's the Christian thing to do.

1 comment:

R said...

My favorite was how the president of Venezuela called him "The King of Vacations."
This whole thing, I reckon, is going to get a lot more gruesome before it gets better. The National Guard too afraid to go into the Superdome? That's just the beginning.