Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Beck review

Beck at the Riv. The house was packed. And hot. At least I had the sense to skip any attempt at style and wear shorts, even though I was chilly when I walked out of there; a small price to pay for not overheating. The opener (McRory?) was this guy decked out with a couple keyboards strapped to his side like a gunslinger, drum pads all over his body, and effects pedals wired into his arms. Basically a high-end street performer with the demeanor of someone who got nabbed off a corner and thrust into the spotlight; book him for your next party.
I got to the venue first, ironic since I was coming from furthest away. Secured a good spot in line, which was for nought since nobody else showed up until the doors had already opened and the last of the line had already entered the building. Side note, why do I only get chatted up by girls (explicitly) waiting for their boyfriends (girl with sprayed metallic denim purse in same situation as me; good spot in line, no tickets on hand).
Anyway, ask me for a set list and I'll be vague; I have gotten really lousy with song titles. But he played a lot of the popular stuff, and threw in a couple of his slower Mutations/Sea Change songs, which was nice. There was an interesting little acoustic set during which the band sat on stage and had dinner, leading to a little jam where the instruments they played were the empty glasses and bowls and whatever was sitting around on the table. I guess that's what I expect from a Beck show, a combination of energy and quirkiness, and that's what we got. Overall, a good show.
Now, I just want to send some luck out to my friends who are flying into the teeth of Hurricane Rita for a wedding in Houston this weekend. Stay dry, or at least on solid ground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed Beck @ the Riv...???