Tuesday, July 06, 2004

When does music stop being "ours" and become "theirs" relative to age? Is there a formula? Is it based on when our old posters start to fade, or worse, when we find them rolled up in a corner of the closet and finally reliquish them to the trash? Does it happen when you've "made it" in the world, and traded in the cast off furniture for a set that matches? Is it the moment when some skate-punk band with an average age of 19 covers some song that we played so much in our youth that the tape eventually gave out and snapped? Or is it simply just a loss of that desire to hear something new? And does that correlate to tendencies more sinister, such as turning Republican, or being too lazy to push the shopping cart back to the corral, or hearing yourself utter the words "those damn kids"? Than again, I do utter that phrase, but that's perhaps more a result of working in a school rather than having lost an ear for good new music. Maybe what drives me most insane is that radio stations are tailored for kids who were just born when I went to Lollapalooza I. Where's my station? Why do I have to do my own digging to find anything worth hearing? I have disposable income now, people; that makes me a target market, so how come nobody is marketing to me? I think from now on I'll refer to a certain behemoth as Clearasil Channel; makes more sense that way. I'm not bitter, I'm just disappointed. Meanwhile, I'll keep my discoveries amongst my friends, and be able to go to shows in nice, small venues...at least until the tinnitus kicks in and I can no longer remember where I left my cane.

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