Monday, April 02, 2007

Great Expectations

Spotted on a minivan this weekend: "We are ashamed of our LTHS 'B' student"

Some background: LTHS is a local high school, it is huge, and it has a diverse but generally upper middle class population.

I have seen plenty of bumper stickers bragging about a student being on the honor roll. And then of course there is the variation: "My kid beat up your honor roll student". But this is the first time I have seen one quite like this. (What makes it even more amusing in a sad way is that where I work, most parents would be more than content with their child being a 'B' student.)

Nothing like a little pressure to be amongst the best in a school with 3700 students.


Cary Ann Rosko said...

THIS IS AWESOME. As a graduate of LTHS, I'm tickled that someone there has a sense of humor, both about the school and its reputation AND those goofy-ass bumper stickers.

Of course, I was an A student, so I've no reason to be defensive. :)

Bryan said...

I knew you'd have a reaction to that, being a former student. I suppose the 'C' grade statement would be "Our LTHS 'C' student should have been drowned at birth".

Cary Ann Rosko said...

Heh. There are no C students at LTHS. Sillyhead.