Sunday, October 01, 2006

baby squirrels - wikipedia draft entry

Two little baby squirrels emerged from their tails today.
They immediately started plotting.
What dogs to terrorize.
Which children's legs to run up.
How to overthrow the Mexican government.
Baby squirrels love long walks thru the trees, pink elephants, and flan.
They also like advanced calculus.
The natural habitat of the baby squirrel is in the blind spot of your eye.
You can only see them by looking sideways while practicing controlled breathing.
Did I mention that baby squirrel tails are quite long? They are. Kitten ears are a good comparison.
Baby squirrels will sneak into your house at night and steal your hair in order to build nests. They prefer brunettes.
The diet of a baby squirrel consists of cheese (all kinds, especially swiss), potato pancakes, and have I mentioned that they like flan?
They are quite adept at the use of Swiss army knives and can construct MacGyveresque bombs and other such devices at will.
Do not fear the baby squirrel. Instead, accept that they will do you no harm so long as you give in completely to their demands.
Lastly, be aware that the baby squirrel will use their little paws to utterly destroy the heathen, false idol lawn gnome.

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