Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sin City

Saw Sin City last night. Even though I like that stylish sort of comic book genre, I've never actually read the series. So I cannot speak to how true it is to the books, but the impression I get is that the core of the stories was kept with a few details added or dropped for convenience or continuity. Anyway, if you are squeamish or have ever had any recurring nightmares in which blood is colors other than red, this might not be your cup of oily, day old coffee. But if you like the idea of a story where the bad guys get beaten down and the good guys (if your moral compass if demagnetized) suffer just as much in the process, then if you haven't seen it by now, see it.
I wonder, now, how this movie would be with a crowd. I saw it in a theater with a population of 5, myself included. I suppose it doesn't qualify as a date night movie for the majority of couples in this world, save for those who met at a comic book convention or in rehab.
The actors all took to their roles as if they were confident that this movie would not destroy their careers, even the Gilmore daughter (Bledel), who was able to cast aside the prim uptightness of her television personality to portray a guilt-ridden hooker. That was the only performance that surprised me; Bruce Willis and the rest did what you'd expect them to do with this material.

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