Saturday, March 08, 2003

The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover." Your house is not in order, Mr. Bush. Your land is turning to dust, your children are starved for learning, your basic freedoms are being turned into a historical footnote. You who claim to be born again are a blasphemer and a traitor to the spirit of your religion. You are the diametrical opposite of Moses; you will not part the waters before leading your people into the sea, instead you will lead us all into a briney death. Your self-righteousness blinds you; truth stands no chance against your clouded vision. Close your eyes and hear the anguish of the people in this country, whose greatest desire is to live in a free land, a land of potential and resources that allow it to be great; you would quash these things in pursuit of an agenda that is every moment depriving you of your soul. Put your house in order, sir, while it still stands; mend what you have broken, while you still can.

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