Wednesday, November 07, 2007


After all these years of Alpha-Bits, why are we not using breakfast to tackle our failures in numeracy? Number Krunchers! Cereal shaped like numbers. And you can even have marshmallows shaped like +, -, x, etc.

Did I ever tell you about the guy who taught his asshole to eat?

University of Chicago Doctors Reverse Flow of Digestive Tract

Monday, September 10, 2007

1974 Recipe Card Quiz

You are Inspiration Soup!! You live to Inspire those around you with your green beany, white chunky, red soupy goodness. Many have come and lit candles in your honor. You've inspired them to become better people. Thank you, Inspiration Soup... thank you.
Take this quiz!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Life During Wartime

And now, a nice little "what the hell have you been up to" post. Two weekends ago was Pitchfork Music Fest, 2007 version. Highlights: Day 1, Sonic Youth playing through the entirety of Daydream Nation. Good sets by Battles and Cat Power on Day 2 (despite Chan Marshall's incessant apologizing for the sound quality, now instead of stage fright she seems to suffer from chronic perfectionism). Dashed expectations on Day 3, as Of Montreal try to be the Flaming Lips with an overwrought stage show rife with senseless drama; on up-side, Jamie Lidell's turntable soul was better than expected while Menomena's set was great and could have been longer.
Overall, at $50 for three days of music, you get a lot more bang for the buck out of Pitchfork than Lollapalooza.
Observed: Guys in super skinny jeans, girls in go-go boots, crazy long port-a-potty lines, a number of infants and young kids, and not as much sunburn this year as last year.

My laundry room is now lilac coloured. Which is a vast improvement over the burnt orange.

I devoured the Harry Potter book this weekend. It was good. Too bad about Ron and Hermione getting killed, though. The obvious parallels between Deathly Hallows and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were a bit much, though; I think Rowling might take some heat for that one. Or perhaps they can get Johnny Depp to play Voldemort for the seventh movie.

The new job is going well. It's good to destroy everything and start over once in a while.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


No, I don't know what kind of plant this is. I'm not good with foliage specifics.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

the last place

A phrase I cannot stand is "It's always in the last place you look." Well, sure it is. If it weren't, you would keep looking. You may as well say, "It's never in the dozens of places you looked before the last place where you actually found whatever it was you were looking for."
I am thinking about this because today I was searching for my social security card. But for a change, I did what you are supposed to do, and started looking in the most unlikely spots. And there it was, in the folder with all of the vet information for my dead cat.
What this says about my filing system I dare not examine.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Meet the new boss...

...not the same as the old boss, I hope. After 10 years, I will be leaving District 104. For those of you in the audience thinking: "Finally!", yes, I agree.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Henry Aldon

Taking his sweet time (ah, already like my brother) my nephew Henry entered the world yesterday (8 lbs 11 oz!). Pics when I have them.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

JVC KD-G200 Car Stereo Innards

"Born to multiply, born to gaze into night skies, All you want's one more Saturday."

Looking like some sort of evil bread slice robot, my car stereo had a fatal case of indigestion while playing the latest Shins CD.

Obviously I had to take it apart completely to retrieve the disc.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Great Expectations

Spotted on a minivan this weekend: "We are ashamed of our LTHS 'B' student"

Some background: LTHS is a local high school, it is huge, and it has a diverse but generally upper middle class population.

I have seen plenty of bumper stickers bragging about a student being on the honor roll. And then of course there is the variation: "My kid beat up your honor roll student". But this is the first time I have seen one quite like this. (What makes it even more amusing in a sad way is that where I work, most parents would be more than content with their child being a 'B' student.)

Nothing like a little pressure to be amongst the best in a school with 3700 students.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I don't know what to say

Found on Craigslist. I would imagine there is a female version for the marshmallows?


Overheard in the bathroom at a bar this weekend; a guy on his cellphone:
"You what? You got hit by car? Well what are you calling me for, call the police!"

Friday, March 16, 2007

cereal scented

So I have this goes in its' base every week to be cleaned, and the next time I use it, every time, I think: I cannot believe how much the cleaning solution for this razor smells like Trix cereal.
Because, you know, when I think "clean, fresh scent" I think "sugary cereal."