Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cold, colder, coldest

Random recent:

Took a day off to go to the nature museum with my niece. She liked the water exhibit. And climbing stuff. Didn't care too much for the butterflies.
She wanted to see the gorillas at Lincoln Park zoo. But it's dark in there. Unacceptable! Luckily there were some outside. And a very nice carousel, which she had pretty much all to herself.

The avocado green fridge finally died. As opposed to humans, when a fridge dies it gets warm. It has been replaced by a tall, white, and non-descript model.
No, I had no urge to paint the new one the same shade of green.

Selling the condo. This requires packing. And purging. Still, I know I will end up moving things I do not need. I have no yard or garage...maybe I should have a living room sale?