Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

where's my punchline?

"How are your trees, Grandpa?"
"I've been getting a lot of fruit this year."
One of the coolest things about my Grandpa's place in Florida is all the variety of fruit trees in the immediate vicinity. Happy belated 78th birthday, Grandpa!

My friend John describes a recent evening:
"So we walked to the lake shore, to the breakers off of the beach, and the moon was huge and red and we were sitting there and it was the perfect romantic night. Until we saw a big rat coming down the breaker toward us. What the hell is a rat doing there anyway? So yeah, the moment was kinda ruined."

"My daughter calls me. 'Dad, I need some poster board.' How long have you needed this? 'Well, I thought I had a piece, and I thought my sister had a piece, but she didn't, and the only poster board we have is messed up...' Yeah, but how long have you known that you need it? 'A week.' And when do you need it for? 'Tomorrow.' Of course. So now I'm sitting in the Wal-mart parking lot, with zero cash, and I can't remember the PIN number of my debit card."
From a conversation with my uncle Lee. Who also related the demise of my old car, a '94 Geo Prizm, which clocked in at 188,000 miles before imploding.

Meanwhile, the jinx is in, and B and I are on indefinite hiatus. Who didn't see that coming?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

and perhaps a few more...

Things I could live without in the wake of an alien abduction:

- Back issues of Wired
- M.C. Escher sticker book
- Iron
- Sense of despair and childlike hope after the first big snowfall of the season
- The latest episode/re-run of Lost
- Sugary cereals
- Concert t-shirts
- 403(b) pension
- Scented candles
- Collection of maps to the residences of all of my friends
- Passive aggressiveness
- Commuting
- Incessant habit of list-making

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Just add hot water

Do I associate tea with sickness? All summer long, I was in no mood for drinking tea. Now I have the sniffles and all I could think of today was how nice it would be to get home and make a nice cup of tea. Or two, so far. I think I'll run the spectrum tonite; I had the green and white blend first, followed by the chai spice black. Maybe I should throw in some lemon while I'm at it.
Still, I don't want to develop a negative association. It's been wet and chilly the past few days, though, so I could just as well be linking it to the weather. Kind of like I associate mashed potatos with winter far more than any other season.