Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Karmic to do list: 1. Schedule mood swings at longer intervals. 2. Rearrange priorities in order to be less self-centered. 3. Less wishing, more doing. 4. Conversion from introvert to extrovert. 5. Practice regulation of breathing.

Tuesday, July 10, 2001

A cool, breezy night in Chicago, pushing some of the humidity away; relief. CD player on random, as it usually is; Mark Eitzel reminding me that "it is important throughout your life to proclaim your joy." And it's true; it's so much easier to complain than it is to compliment, or marvel at the world around us. As screwed up as it is, if you just stop, or even slow down your pace a bit, there is so much to see.

Sometimes I wonder if we as a people have ever really grasped the art of walking in another person's shoes. I don't think so. The world would be different, and much better, if we had.